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11th Quarterly Meeting

The 11th Quarterly Meeting takes place on Tuesday 14 March!  Agenda and details sent by email to all members.  RSVP by 1 March!

TECoSA Research Seminar: Collaborative Collision Avoidance of Connected Vehicles Using ADMM with PI-Regulated Lagrangian Multipliers

Speaker:  Kaige Tan, TECoSA PhD student Location:  Gladan, Brinellvägen 85 (KTH Campus) Zoom link: circulated to members (contact Vicki for more info) Register for IRL participation: email  by kl.15… Read More »TECoSA Research Seminar: Collaborative Collision Avoidance of Connected Vehicles Using ADMM with PI-Regulated Lagrangian Multipliers

Nordic Systems Engineering Tour, Spring 2023

Organised by the 5 Nordic Chapters of INCOSE - Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Germany. The  programme is being developed and will be published at