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TECoSA Finalized Projects

During its first phase, TECoSA has pursued 6 larger projects as illustrated in the figure below, starting with the thematic areas: Safety, Security and Predictability, and then evolving towards the more application oriented project CART, COLA and SMEDE


The research in CART aims to promote road traffic safety and performance in such new environments encompassing a variety of operational design domains.

CART – Connected, collaborating an Automated Road Traffic


The SMEDE project applies novel approaches to managing communication and computing resources, focusing on ensuring security in the edge computing environment.

SMEDE – Smart Edge Infrastructure


The goal of the COLA project is to facilitate the development of learning-based, multi-agent, real-time autonomous systems with humans in the loop by edge computing.

COLA – Collaborative autonomy

TECoSA project structure

The three core projects overlap with TECoSA’s three focus areas. The two spin-off projects, COLA and CART, focuses on Safety, while the largest core project SMEDE focuses on Security and Predictability.