The TECoSA academic and industrial partners already collaborate partly with each other, while also having international activities in the field. One goal of TECoSA is to strengthen but also leverage these ongoing efforts towards a joint strategic and cohesive research initiative. Here are some of the current collaborations.

ARTEMIS Industry Association and ECSEL
ARTEMIS Industry Association and ECSEL are large European networks of companies in embedded and cyber-physical systems with several hundreds of organizations in electronics, embedded and cyber-physical systems, that develop and maintain a joint research agenda and fund industrial research within the framework of H2020.
KTH is a member of ARTEMIS-ia with Törngren as representative.

CASTOR is a KTH center focused on software technology with Ericsson and SAAB as founding partners. CASTOR emphasizes open science (open source, open data sets) and fosters strong academia-industry collaboration. Thematically, CASTOR and TECoSA are complementary, and there is an overlap in partners and PI’s.

ICES is a KTH-industry competence network in embedded and software intensive systems, involving all PIs at KTH and most industrial partners, connecting researchers, industry and students, in order to catalyze world-class education and research. The network provides access to industrial R&D leaders and collaboration with several national and international networks including INCOSE (Int. Council on Systems Engineering) and Swedsoft.

Nordic Hub
The Nordic Hub on the Industrial Internet of Things is an academic network, funded by NordForsk with a lifetime of 3+3 years. It started in 2018 and involves collaboration with DTU, Aalto, NTNU, Lund University, as well as with industry. The KTH efforts are led by Törngren. The network organizes summer schools, life-long learning, PhD courses and resource sharing (case studies, demonstrators).

Secure Connected Trustable Things
Secure Connected Trustable Things (2017-2020) is an ECSEL/EU project focusing on trustable wireless solutions to achieve the full potential of IoT. SCOTT includes some 50 partners from 12 countries. The Swedish sub-consortium is led by Törngren, includes close collaboration with Fersman (Ericsson, teams from Sweden, India and Brazil) and RTE, concerning the design of digital twins for cyber-physical systems development.

Strategic Research Centers
Strategic Research Centers ICT TNG and XPRES represent Swedish government-funded strategic frameworks at KTH in the broader area of ICT, and smart manufacturing. The centers generally operate through the provision of start-up and project grants. The TECoSA PIs are involved in these efforts allowing them also to advance collaborations with other KTH researchers. Continued synergies with TECoSA will be sought.

SSF ExPECA is a project (2018 – 2021) funded by the Swedish Strategic Research Foundation (SSF), targeting experimental research in the area of edge computing. The project is lead by Gross in collaboration with Dán. ExPECA will establish an experimental edge computing infrastructure at KTH which subsequently will be used for devising novel approaches in cyber-physical systems as well as for interactive human-in-the-loop applications. The project pursues international collaboration for instance with CMU Pittsburgh and Iowa State.

WASP – the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems. Tumová and Leite have a common WASP expeditions project on correct-by-design and socially acceptable control of autonomous systems. Broman is co-PI of a WASP expedition project on model checking and formally verified model compilation. Törngren is supervising two WASP PhD students on safety engineering and architecture.

International collaborations
Examples of collaborations with international universities include with UC Berkeley, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) on robust machine learning systems, and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).