On 4 and 5 October 2023, the TECoSA testbeds were one of the Tours in the “Visit World-Leading Labs” section of KTH’s Nobel Week.
There were 3 Tours on offer both days, arranged by KTH Innovation. Each evening, TECoSA received 20 people from a wide range of backgrounds – from STHLM city architects to interested citizens and even a few potential future KTH students!
Leif Handberg started by introducing R1, then we briefly presented TECoSA and repeated some of the demos from the inauguration including the soft robot, the Kvaser car, the OpenRtist demo and the inverted pendulum.

KTH’s lab tours are part of Nobel Calling, an annual project led by the Nobel Prize Museum, carried out in collaboration with several local actors. The initiative collects activities in science and technology in Stockholm during the week when the Nobel Prize winners are announced. This year, the Nobel Calling took place between 29 September and 9 October.