42 TECoSA members gathered together at KTH Campus on Thursday 8 June, to discuss collaboration, review the current status of research and testbed activities, and to meet new members XENSE Vision, presented by Björn Crona.
(All slides available via the
TECoSA Members Area).
Martin Törngren and James Gross shared an overview of TECoSA’s activities and KPI status, and shared plans to prepare for the next Vinnova evaluation in Spring 2024. James provided an update on the Testbeds, declaring both indoor and outdoor are ready to be launched. (This will be the focus of the next Quarterly Meeting and Testbed Inauguration on Friday 1 September!)
And the leaders of the three new projects presented an update (for full slides, please see Members Area).
The meeting wrapped up with a showcase of the current research. 16 TECoSA PhD students and postdocs presented posters showing the diversity of work going on at the moment (posters available via the Members Area).

The next Quarterly Meeting takes place
in R1 on KTH Campus
from 1-5pm on Friday 1 September 2023,
and opens with with the official
Inauguration of the TECoSA Testbeds.
Invitations have been issued – we hope to see you there!