All interested are welcome to join this webinar from kl.11-12 on Thursday 16 September.
Keynote: Angelo Wille, Deputy Head of Unit Industrial Research, Innovation & Investment Agendas in EC DG RTD. Mr. Wille will provide an overview of the updated Industrial Strategy for Europe focusing also on the ERA industrial Technology Roadmaps currently under development. For more details, please see the agenda below.
This event represents an opportunity to get the latest information about that state of implementation of this important pillar of the current European Policy Framework. Registration is open until kl.12 Weds 15 Sept via The attendance link will be circulated shortly thereafter.
On 10 March 2020, the European Commission launched ‘A New Industrial Strategy for Europe’, aiming to “support the twin transition to a green, digital and resilient economy and make the EU industry competitive globally”. In the light of climate neutrality and digital leadership that the EU has been pursuing, this new strategy aims to ensure European industry lead change as well as recover Europe’s industry and economy.
The day after the new industrial strategy was launched, COVID-19 was announced as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Considering lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis, on 5 May 2021, the Commission updated the EU Industrial Strategy to guarantee that it can lead the transformation towards a more resilient market and globally competitive sustainability. The industrial strategy addresses the twin challenges of the green and digital transformations. It highlights the importance of research and innovation in providing the technological foundation to transform and strengthen industrial value chains, helping to turn sustainability and digital challenges into business opportunities. Common industrial technology roadmaps are a key tool to achieve this objective.
In this One Hour Europe session, we have the pleasure to host Deputy Head of Unit DG RTD in European Commission Angelo Wille who will provide an overview of the updated Industrial strategy as well the state of art, of its implementation including the Industrial technology roadmaps definition status.
11:00 Opening and rules for the meeting (Massimo Busuoli, Head of NTNU Brussels Office)
11:05 Keynote Angelo Wille (EC Deputy Head of Unit “Industrial Research, Innovation & Investment Agendas”, DG RTD)
11.40 Q&A session with participants
12.00 End of the meeting