Abstract Submission: 2021.03.17 / Full Paper Submission: 2021.03.24
The 17th European Dependable Computing Conference takes place 13-16 September 2021 in Munich, Germany. The conference will cover a broad perspective on dependability and security, which includes, but is not limited to:
~Hardware and software architectures of dependable systems;
~Fault-tolerant networks & ultra-reliable low-latency communication;
~Dependability modelling and tools;
~Testing and validation methods;
~Development of safety and security-critical systems;
~Dependability and security critical infrastructures, e.g. smart energy grids, intelligent transportation systems, smart cities;
~Cyber-physical systems;
~(Industrial) Internet of Things;
~Cloud, fog, and edge computing systems;
~Data analytics applications & systems based on machine learning and artificial intelligence;
~Databases and distributed ledgers (incl. blockchains)
~Artificial intelligence approaches Data protection and data privacy
Paper Categories
The conference is inviting submissions in the following categories (two-column IEEE format):
* Regular papers (up to 8 pages) solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems, covering any fault model, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental and malicious human interactions.
* Practical experience reports (up to 6 pages) dedicated to dependability in practice: industrial applications, experience in introducing dependability in industry, use of new or mature dependability approaches to new challenging problems or domains, etc.
* Short papers (3-4 pages) describing preliminary research work (position papers) or a prototype/tool description, outlining the design or implementation of a software tool, or the prototyping of an operational system.
For more information (and more detailed instructions), please see the conference homepage: http://edcc.dependability.org/